11/11: A New Year for the Soul

As the world celebrates the advent of another New Year, the energy of the occasion may not resonate with everyone in the same way. For me, there’s a deeper connection to spiritual milestones that come before the traditional New Year’s Eve celebrations and resolutions. The powerful energies of two significant dates — August 8th, known as Lionsgate, and November 11th, a manifesting new year, to ignite a spiritual awakening within.

As we approach the opening of the powerful galactic portal that is 11:11, one that aligns with the energy of Scorpio this year, I am fully aware of…



Samantha Jayne - Spiritual Coach & Writer

I am a Spiritual Coach inspiring others to live and work consciously and follow the path of the soul. Need me in your world? https://www.samantha-jayne.co.uk