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Feel like you are cursed?
Ever Felt Like You’ve Been Cursed?
Curses come in many shapes or rather form and YES they are a thing! There’s different levels, different bands, different descriptions, different types.
You have the curse that someone puts onto somebody, that would come under dark arts.
Then we have curses which are more karmic. By karmic we mean it’s a generational thing, it’s come back. We can be in our own karma, we’ve cursed ourselves through our own actions or it can also be that you have a family curse and that’s what I deal a lot with in the karmic release work I do, family curses.
So, I absolutely believe in them and both types however with the dark arts ones, you’ve got to have fear in you for it to be able to attach to you so that’s why I’m always banging on high vibe, high vibe, high vibe because then this very low entity level work can’t impact you. You have to be afraid for that to go on.
Family Curses
How is a curse placed on a family? Through your own actions. But it could be a grandfathers, a great grandfathers. It’s a karmic trail. We are all passing through the process of ascension, which is basically the release of negativity, of our own and our family. Those who are here right now in these changing times are walking through experiences, or rather opportunities to release the karmic debt, so that they and future generations can be free of it.