Member-only story
Feel like you’re going backwards?
Mercury Retrograde is putting in an appearance again!
The energy of the Equinox brought in the pull to bring balance into our lives, our thinking and our emotion state and the Mercury Retrograde is coming in to do just that! Bring balance into the emotion state of each and every one of us.
This week, we will feel the pull of this energy. Mercury retrograde can be found in Libra. Libra represents the journey we must take to create internal balance. A sense of balance and peace within. So for the next few weeks you really do need to be ready to adjust not only the relationships you have with other people but the relationship you have with your higher self.
This retrograde energy will create a surge of energy across the world to encourage us all to find peace in our hearts and our minds.
Why? Because if you are here in any form of leadership role, you will need to do this to be able to help others to find their own inner peace.
Inner peace though is about self love. So watch for being fooled into thinking that going with everyone elses flow, and putting everyone elses happiness first is the way forward. In fact it is the polar opposite. So, if you operate from a people pleasing perspective, then this could be a bumpy ride for you!
This is not a time to sell your soul, compromise, change who you are to please others or give up on your dreams simply because others ‘don’t get it!’.