Member-only story
I Don’t Believe in It.
I don’t believe in what will be, will be, there I said it!
I believe in choosing my path, an outcome and having the faith and courage to do the work to align with that vision.
If you believe that everything is pre-destined, then please hear me out.
Here’s why:
Whenever I have faced a block or a challenge, when I have wanted to have or to achieve something bigger than where I was at the time, I have only achieved it by truly choosing it and committing to it, in thought, in word and in action.
Life is not about waiting for a miracle, waiting for someone to rescue you, it’s about deciding you know what, I am worth this, so I am going to go for it.
Even if it means getting out of your comfort zone, breaking down your boundaries, facing your fears, dealing with stuff!
Your future self will always require a new version of you, not just a new vision!