I’m Calling it Lockdown Fatigue!


In my role as a Healer and Coach, I am seeing so many clients who are shattered, exhausted, feeling drained, lost, disheartened, lacking motivation and just feeling so deflated. A tiredness they cannot shift and then sleep disturbed nights is leaving them feeling like they don’t have anything left to give.

I have named it ‘Lockdown Fatigue’. We have all been working so hard, so hard just to keep it together, watching businesses around us collapse for most of the year, people losing their jobs, their relationships and their mental health. Not to mention everything they were working towards. Their goals, their holidays, their ambitions that they set out to achieve this year.

So many people lost everything to then come back and rebuild it to then feel that fear of losing it all again in the November lockdown. It is exhausting.

With families to provide for, to prop up, to worry over and watch over. So many have been in fear of losing people, I know those that have. People who could not cope with the isolation, their mental state unable to cope with the reel to reel tape that solitude put them into. Unable to reach out for fear of darkening someone elses door. People have ended their lives and people have lost their lives and those who are left behind are exhausted. Unable to grieve, unable to stand at a graveside, unable to fix this.

Are you feeling this?

December brings with it a holiday season and I think we here in the UK need it. We need a break but we also need to give ourselves a break. To stop pushing relentlessly through fear of losing our businesses, our jobs, our identity. To instead give ourselves permission to breathe, to grieve, to let go. To take a deep breath, ground back in and get ready to tackle the year of the rebuild, 2021. Go easy on yourself this Winter.

Blessings x



Samantha Jayne -Psychic Consultant, Healer, Writer
Samantha Jayne -Psychic Consultant, Healer, Writer

Written by Samantha Jayne -Psychic Consultant, Healer, Writer

I am a Spiritual Soul inspiring others to live and work consciously and follow the path of the soul. Need me in your world? https://www.samantha-jayne.co.uk

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