Member-only story
Love me, Love me not!
As a woman in her late forties, I was, like so many, raised on rom-coms, planning for big wedding days and that love was all peachy and unconditional. Of course, life and love, has a tendency to beat that idealistic vision out of you, but through all of that journey there has been growth and a deeper understanding of what love truly is.
A journey that has taught me well and shown me time and time again that love is powerful and the most powerful love is the love of self. We spend so much time looking for love, as if it is something out there, when in truth it lies within us. It is only when we realise that, that we can emanate love out into the world and attract it into our life.
Unconditional love is something so often spoken about. We often believe that we should love those around us unconditionally but I feel this is a lie. So many people allow themselves to be hurt, abused, unsupported and rejected over and over again because they feel that loving another unconditionally is enough. That it will all come good in the end and the person will eventually be able to love them in the way they desire to be loved. It is not true. For in this very act we are not loving our self. In fact we are the ones abusing ourselves by accepting the behaviour, the words, the actions into our lives and into our hearts. Where is the love in that? At what point do you love yourself enough to say no?