Member-only story
Our Darkest Night can Bring our Brightest Day
Everyone has a pivotal moment in life, where their real life opens up to them if they will take it. Their awakening. Here is mine.
They say that in our darkest night there is our greatest light. For me there has been more than one darkest night. I remember my first though, I remember how my journey out of darkness began. In fact, all of my moments of darkness I share with you, in this programme, happened within an 18-month period in my life. The first one happened on an Easter weekend; a long weekend that would have me plough through my own darkness in a bid to finally see the light as we say. A light that had been shining so bright and yet here I was as blind as a bat to the truth of this world. To what really makes the world go round. So, consumed by the illusion of life being about the surface, the appearance, the gain and not seeing anything of true abundance, value and worth in this world. A bitter heart can do that to a gal, you know, a bitter heart, a broken heart can send you hurtling into a harder future than you needed to walk through. Looking back, I think life, God, the Universe, my Guides and Angels had had enough of my crazy ways, my partying, my drinking, my ‘up for a good time’ attitude. An attitude I was using to quash the emotions of a divorce, a betrayal. For when we tell ourselves enough, we do not care we begin to believe it to be so.
So, when I woke up on a Thursday before Good Friday and felt a lump under my rib cage the journey began. My thinking was ridiculous. I did not allow them…