Member-only story
The Re-Start!
We are entering the season of the re-start.
And so it begins, the start of a new world.
Can you feel the energies of the full moon that is coming in on the 7th March?
Is your soul feeling in a whole other place, space and time to the world around you?
Have you been through a lot of self-development and personal realisation lately?
The answer is probably, or I am hoping yes.
For we are in a moment in history, a huge beginning of major change in this world. A change in our reality. Saturn and the hill moon energies, in all their glory, come together to activate a change that will take place over the next two and a half years. So, we have a golden opportunity to change the world, the reality we live in.
What are you willing to work on to change, add, create over the next two and a half years and how will that create a better world for yourself, your loved ones and the world in general? These are the questions to be asking right now.
This is a time of high emotion but we must maintain a balance and take a serious approach, to accept responsibility for bringing change into the world we live in.
Saturn rings the bells of change.
Neptune will bring your intuition in stronger than ever before, be sure to listen, it is your soul whispering to you how to achieve your dreams.
This is a time to look at all you have achieved in the last two and a half years and to be a…