Member-only story
They Want You to do Well, but Never Better than them, Remember that!
Recently I was ‘sacked’ by someone who ‘puts on events’ because someone had brought to their attention that I was hosting my own events. Now firstly, I am not employed and work for no one, not even spirit! I work WITH spirit and my Higher Self for the greater good, that’s what my job spec says!! I should know, I signed it.
A few days later I received such an abusive text, no doubt fuelled by alcohol, about how I will never be successful! I was stunned. I did not respond of course. In fact I didn’t even open it, I gave it the 5 second read it deserved as it flashed up on my phone.
5 seconds that showed me everything!
It showed me for one that my intuition has again not failed me. I knew this was coming. I knew at some point he would throw his doll out of the pram. I not only knew this intuitively, but because every single person he works with in his events, some who still are there on the event listings, had warned me to be careful with him. That he is a bit full of himself and stroppy. A Diva. In fact the person who ‘tipped him off’ is one of those people!
So from day one I had invested very little time and energy into the connection. To instead focus on my own business growth. My own journey.